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What is Smartwatch Gambling all About?

What is Smartwatch Gambling all About?

A few decades back, the notion of mobile casino gaming, let alone smartwatch gaming, was just something beyond imagination. But due to the rapid advancement of technology and internet connectivity, mobile casino games have now become the norm.

With the constantly evolving technologies that also drive and deliver information to our mobile devices, gambling through the phone is now a natural occurrence. Every day, thousands of gamblers turn to their phones instead of laptop applications to visit the best jackpot or UK online casinos in hopes of playing their favourite casino games and getting lucky.

And we are now jumping into the next step of taking casinos to the public with the development of technology. But this time, with your smartwatch.

Smartwatch gambling for the people

Looking at the scale of the display area of your typical smartwatch, you may find it hard to believe that there is just no space for a decent gaming experience. Many leading game developers, along with casino operators, have been offering smartphone apps for several years. They run on Apple's iOS operating system as a whole. And now some producers are working on an application that will allow you to play on any operating system used by any smartwatch maker.

So you should assume to see the rise of smartwatch gambling applications in the next few years.

 First Smartwatch casino games

While there is a lot of controversy about what exactly makes a smartwatch, we can all accept that the market has made huge strides since the first digital wristwatch made its debut in 1972. It was a watch designed by Hamilton, and back then it had a selling price of $2,000, which will be about $12,000 today. Samsung launched the SPH-WP10 at the end of the 1990s and is widely known as the first smartwatch. It was the first wearable system to have a micro-computer of its own.

The World Mobile Congress

Perhaps, the first attempt of a casino corporation to squeeze a game into a smartwatch was made at the World Mobile Congress in 2014. It also paved the way for the transformation of the mobile gambling market.

Microgaming was the first organisation to roll out apps that allow games to run on a small watch platform. Their initial watch compatible game was named "Thunderstruck." It was a basic slot machine game and proved to be very successful when it was first unveiled in June 2015 at the Royal Vegas Android AIR show. It was followed by "The Dark Knight Rises." Both of these games, published almost back to back, encouraged players to see the promise of smartwatch gambling.

Smartwatch Gambling Benefits 

We believe it's all down to taste. Some people think smartwatches are cool. Others say they're tacky and sort of dumb. However, there is a wide enough demand for players eager to play casino games like slots or online roulette on their wrist. So here are some of the benefits of playing smartwatch gambling.

  • Multitasking made possible

On a realistic basis, since the watch is on your hand, that means there is no risk of losing it, as you would have with your phone or tablet. Unlike the other two devices, you don't have to put your watch down at any point during the gameplay to do certain things.

  • Mobile to the utmost

Nothing, but nothing can beat a smartwatch. The smartwatch today has all the features of your cell phone. You can play casino games anywhere and at any moment. Although you would expect that the visual and playroom on a watch would be small, you would be amazed. The design of these casino games is to make the gaming experience second to none.

Smartwatch Gambling: Are we out there?

For now, we are only living in the early days of smartwatch gambling. Although the game prototypes are fairly impressive, the more basic activities, such as signing up and depositing money, are also very clunking when done with a watch. This small screen size requires time to get used with it.

Diverse Form Factors

Another point is that almost all smartphones follow a similar form factor. While there are a variety of different designs, they all roughly adopt the same size factor across the spectrum of smartphone devices. This makes it a lot easier to develop applications for phones. Unfortunately, smartwatches are only in their early stages and little attempt has been made to standardise the size of the screen. This means you will find round, an oblong, a rectangular, and several other shapes. This makes it a daunting challenge to deliver a single game experience for all watches.

And this lack of a single form factor is more likely to bog down the growth of gaming applications. But if the market for gaming apps goes through the roof, then we would expect businesses to invest more money into this issue.


Since the unveiling of the very first LED watch in 1972, smartwatch design technology has made huge strides over the years. Nowadays, smartwatches can be used to play casino games. The launch and ongoing development of smartwatch gambling software seem to be accelerating. Many businesses are being challenged to outdo each other. It has the promise to make equally big profits. So, just because the smartwatch gaming market is at a comparatively early age, that doesn't mean that the future is nothing but promising and huge.

FAQs on smartwatch gambling

Can I bet on a smartwatch?

Amazing as it may be, the answer is yes. The new smartwatches come with internet access and the potential to run the compatible casinos.

What watches are supported?

The Apple Watch may be the most evident example of supported products, but there are others. Motorola and Samsung are among the other companies that have casino-equipped smartwatches on the market, and you can expect more to come.

How do I get started?

Start by selecting one of the great smartwatch online gambling sites. After you register for an account, deposit cash, and then the smartwatch gambling universe is your oyster.

Can I use an app store to access games?

It depends on the device you are using. In the case of Apple Watch, you can run real cash casino games.

What kind of gambling is popular with smartwatches?

These are early days for smartwatch gaming, but classics such as poker, slots and roulette are some of the leading favourites.

How is it relative to other devices?

Smartwatches are lighter and simpler to bear than a phone, and they give a lot more flexibility than you will find playing casino games on your laptop.

The small screen size is maybe the only major drawback, but some players will advise that you will get used to it quickly.