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Here's a Detailed Evaluation of Roulette Systems

Here's a Detailed Evaluation of Roulette Systems

Roulette is an excellent casino game that is loved and enjoyed by both novice and experienced players. The craze for online roulette is consistently on the rise. The simplicity of the game and the roulette odds make it more appealing to people. However, knowing the roulette strategy is vital to enhance your gameplay.  

Have you ever wondered about evaluating roulette systems? If not, you must start thinking about it. Read on to find out the best ways for the evaluation of roulette systems. Let’s dive in!

Different Types of Approaches and Tests

Evaluating the roulette strategies isn’t an easy task. There is so much debate around it. Take a look at some of the types of approaches and tests for evaluation of the strategies. 

The “no Way” Approach

There are a number of players who consider that all the strategies are useless. They are of the belief that no system can actually win as it is not possible to eliminate the advantage or house edge of the casino in the game of roulette. For such people, any evaluation of the roulette system appears to be simply useless.

The “million Spins” Test

Another group of players are referred to as the testers. They run several computer programs and stimulate millions of spins. Their core aim is to test the genuineness of the outcomes. 

The “reality” Test

Even though the reality test isn’t a reliable method, it is the only test you can actually count on when it comes to the evaluation of roulette systems. It is quite simple and straightforward. If you are successful in making profits, then the system works well for you. On the other hand, if you lose, the system doesn’t work for you. 

However, a point to note here is that this system can be misleading. It is because certain systems can win in the short term owing to the luck factor. But the same system may not be profitable in the long run. Wondering how much is considered to be long-term? Well, long-term can refer to a few thousand spins. It may also mean the total spins in the lifetime of the player. 

The Van Keelen Test

When it comes to the evaluation of roulette systems, there are a lot of differences in opinions. However, despite much debate, there is one test that is widely accepted among the players. Moreover, it is also mathematically sound. The test that can successfully evaluate the roulette systems is the Van Keelen test.

If you are serious about roulette tournaments, you would definitely want to gain insights into whether a system can provide a certain value or not. Moreover, you would also like to know the net profit a particular system offers in the long run. That is exactly where the Van Keelen test proves to be helpful.

The Van Keelen test involves a simple measuring procedure. It can easily help you determine the chances of failure or success of a particular system. In the Van Keelen test, you will get information relating to the value of a roulette system. All you need to do is check the system you want to leverage over the specific number of placed bets before starting with the practical play.

One of the benefits of this test is that the potential losses may develop only on paper. In reality, you may not experience the said losses in the game of roulette. 

The Van Keelen test develops a relationship between the net gain of a roulette system and the number of placed bets. However, the minimum number of placed bets must be at least 1000. Moreover, the units wagered must have equal value. Progression is not to be used.

Let’s take a look at how the genuine superiority of a system can be determined for different roulette betting types. 

Even Money Bets (Even/ Odd/ Low/ High/ Red/ Black)

A system is considered to be genuinely superior if:

  • After placing 1000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 100 units.
  • After placing 8000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 60 units.
  • After placing 100000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 1000 units.

Six-number Bets 

A system is considered to be genuinely superior if:

  • After placing 1000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 100 units.
  • After placing 8000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 200 units.
  • After placing 100000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 600 units.

Twelve-number Bets (Columns/ Dozens)

A system is considered to be genuinely superior if:

  • After placing 1000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 50 units.
  • After placing 8000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 50 units.
  • After placing 100000 bets, you obtain a profit of over 2000 units.


Whether you are playing progressive roulette or lightning roulette, evaluating your strategy is a must. Now that you know everything about the evaluation of roulette systems, it is time to find a reputable online casino London and engage in the roulette games. Use your roulette chips wisely to place bets and enhance your winning odds.